Paranormal Investigation 101

Paranormal Investigation 101


Welcome to Paranormal Investigation 101 as presented by the SPIRITS of St. Petersburg! Here is the itinerary for this course:

  • Introduction of team and purpose of the course
  • A brief history of the development of the field
  • Terminology
    • What is a ghost?
    • Types of ghosts
  • Basic equipment and how it works
    • EMF (Electromagnetic field) meters
    • Cameras
    • Recording devices/EVPs
    • Miscellaneous equipment
  • ESP/Sensitivity
    • Preparation
    • Protection
  • Baisc paranormal Investigation techniques
    • Before the case
    • During the invetigation
    • After the investigation
  • Basic research after the investigation
    • Review of Data
    • Research techniques

What You'll Learn

  • 1 History of Paranormal Investigation
  • 01 Introduction of course and team

    • 2 Introduction
    • 3 Intro Quiz
  • 02 Brief History: How did we get here?

  • 03 Equipment

  • 04 Investigation Techniques

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