Private Residence – 50th Ave North

In recent years there has been a plethora of paranormal-themed television shows.  These shows provide technical “proof” of apparitions often based upon thermal imagers, infrared cameras, and other such devices.  Yet, for some of these groups there is a lack of one element:  psy-sensitives.  So, that brings investigators to the following questions:  What information processes should be used in investigation, and which should be discounted?  Do psy-sensitives add information to an investigation or are they only subjectively guessing?   Should paranormalists rely solely on equipment-based responses to considered information valid?

This month’s featured article shows the complexities that come with answering these questions. A large group of team members met at the home of a three-person family.  Each teammate brought an assortment of equipment to be used, and the gathering also included a psy-sensitive. As per  protocol, members were encouraged to record their personal experiences throughout the investigation. 

In comparing the two techniques, the equipment used did yield some results.  The team used the EMF meter to try to communicate with the entity.  We asked it to indicate a positive response to our questions by creating a “spike” on the meter.  While this technique has worked in the past and has produced unusual behavior from the meter, the results were questionable in this investigation.  We received emphatic spikes to several inquiries, especially concerning the minor who lived in the home. Yet, when we attempted to repeat the questions for verification, the meter provided no response.  It was difficult to determine accuracy to this technique without this verification.

It was the intuitives that proved to provide the most accuracy on this night.  Our primary sensitive was able to give a physical description of the entity, as well as a purpose to his haunting of the family.  He was there to visit the homeowner’s child.  The intuitive added additional details, as she heard a strong “jah” or “jer” sound as part of his name.  Believing that the sound was the first syllable, the sensitive was incorrect in naming him.  However, we later gained clarification to this information from the homeowner.  Her brother, who had often told her that he wanted to be there to see her son grow up, was named Roger.  The “jah”/”jer” sound was located not at the start of his name, but centrally to it.

Several members reported feeling the temperature in the room drop, though this was not verified with thermometers. Two female members also felt someone play with their hair during the investigation.  The homeowner did verify that her brother liked women and often flirted with them. Overall, the results remain mixed.  For this investigation, it would appear that the human element was stronger, yet both human and equipment concurrently verify certain aspects of information given by the entity.  

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