Private Residence – Wells Ave

August 2008 – Tampa with recheck November 17, 2008

It seems that 2010 is rolling to a quiet close.  As 2011 emerges, the SPIRITS once again evaluates itself, its function, and its role in the advent of a new year.  This is nothing new, and for most paranormal investigation groups it is a healthy and vital process.

Every few years, the SPIRITS of St. Petersburg reviews its protcol.  We try to evaluate what works and what doesn’t when it comes to reporting phenomena.  Though our methodology remains fundamentally the same, it also pays to examine what aspects of our investigations work, and which could use improvement.

When asked about advice for maintaining a paranormal team, there is not much that can be offered.  Patience is a must.  Learn to deal with the public, home owners, and fellow teammates with compassion and understanding.  When it comes to administration of a team, there are few suggestions that exist beyond careful member selection.  Make sure that members are a fit for the team, that they are screened, and that they are prepared for the tedious nature that can come with investigations.  

Each paranormal investigation team is unique.  How the team creates and maintains itself will vary from group to group.  Keep this in mind if you are a paranormal team in need of advice, or if you are someone looking to join a group.

In the meantime, have a healthy, safe, and happy new year.  Best of luck in 2011!

Investigation Notes: 

2. What equipment did you use on this investigation?
Digital camera
Electro Magnetic Field Meter (EMF meter)

3. What phenomena did you experience on this investigation? (Please check all that apply)
Other (please specify below)
Comment: Dizziness

4. In review of the footage, recording, or photographs taken at the location, which of the following did you find? (Please check all that apply)
Orb images (digital)

5. What technical observations did you note during the investigation? For purposes of categorizing data, please post your first name, followed by your response.

Outside noises made EVPs almost impossible. Nothing showed up on EVPs.

Felt dizzy when walking into the back yard.

Homeowner reports:

When homeowner’s mother moved in (with serious illness) saw the figure in the bathroom and the front yard. Thought that it might be stress related. The china cabinet and the furniture in the bedroom belonged to his grandmother. Started to study Wicca a year ago; started to study and set up an altar. Followed a ritual from a book, and from a book and for the next two days (Saturday locked out of the house, Sunday saw the man, Monday the door shut and locked). Sister reported phenomena. During the day, thought he saw a woman walking past the house; from the bedroom thought he saw someone walk past the bedroom window. Back by the glider; the house was built by the woman who lives next door. Her mother stayed her until she died. Margaret Nobel lived here next (until 1999). The house was bought and renovated, homeowner is the third person to own it. The area that we indicated was the prior homeowner’s garden area (Nobel). Bamboo, fence, compose in the area. Lady next door got Alzheimer’s — got very upset because she and the lady who lived here used to go to that area and talk. Man that homeowner saw: pants and a dark shirt; waiting. Saw in mode of movement. Just knew that it was a man. Woman: Dark brown hair, wavy, shoulder length hair. Older style of hair –1950s look (not up). White blouse. Caucasian. Time of appearance: in evening; approximately 10 p.m.

Recheck Nov. 17, 2008

High EMF readings at the home. One person sensed something feeling attached to the china cabinet.  There was also the sense of a new male presence who was not there on the prior investigation. 

Outside, the investigators were drawn to the glider swing.  They wondered if it moved on its own without wind…(no confirmation on that).  

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