Private Residence – The Yellow House

September 26, 2009 – St. Petersburg

Popular belief often places a ghost in the place where the entity lived or died.  Sometimes these hauntings spill across areas into multiple homes, or perhaps an entire neighborhood.  Proof of this comes from a historic neighborhood in which three houses, each next to the other, have been investigated for haunted activity.  This is a trifecta of paranormal investigations for this team.

The first house was investigated early in the team’s inception.  The first home did qualify at the time of investigation as haunted, particularly based on photographic evidence.  The second home was investigated time and again over a one year period.  Activity included EVPs, visual manifestations, and even the movement of objects.   Manifestations were felt and witnessed by the entire team during the one year period.

The yellow house was the last in the series.   It hosted college student roommates who shared the expenses and the ghosts.   Unlike the first two homes, this one did not produce as much when it came to evidence.  EVPs were scant and orb evidence is no longer accepted as proof by this team.  The residents of the home did describe interesting interactions with the ghosts with reports of unexplained noises, the sensations of being watched, and dream manifestations.  Yet, little of this manifested for our group.  

Additional issues prevailed with the lifestyle choices expressed by the residents of the home which could not be easily assessed for this particular singular investigation.  This aside, the lack of hard evidence, especially in comparison to the neighboring home, was a bit disappointing.  The only strongly potential evidence appeared to be the door to a room upstairs.  Investigators remembered the door as open when they left.  Upon the group’s return, the door was closed.  The area led to the so-named “Red Socks room” that was the bedroom of one of the current renters where we did have a little more activity.  It is possible that someone wanted us to stay out, but with the amount of people present, inadvertent closing of the door by someone else in the house cannot be ruled out.

Sensitives were certainly picking up information.  The messages present seemed to be a bit conflicting; was this an active haunting, or were these simply images from the past coming through?  A connection was found to the home’s past as a health clinic.  Sensitives certainly picked up on a waiting area and various bodily pains.  The upstairs room seemed to be the most haunted and it was not uncommon in the older times to use upstairs rooms to house patients.  The most personable presence exhibited a sense of disdain when it came to the recreational parties that the roommates hosted.  This could have indicated the presence of medical personnel from the past, or it could have reflected a prohibition-supporting personality of a more conservative time.  The house was built in the 1920s and, despite our status as a rum-running state, the Victorian principals still existed in the deep South.

Overall, it remained a rather interesting investigation.   It certainly concluded the long-awaited hopes from this investigator that we could examine all three homes, each reputed to be haunted, for activity.  Perhaps we will, again, be allowed to tour each of the houses.  It would be nice to do consecutive investigations of the locations in order to have a more universal comparison of equipment, philosophy, and data.  A series of cases like these might help to prove that the worlds of the natural and supernatural are closer than we think.

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