Private Residence 91011

September 10, 2011 – St. Petersburg with recheck March 9, 2013

Found on this investigation:  

There is one interesting aspect to living during a century and millennium shift: the fantastic mash up of numbers that create dates.  We continue our list of investigations with unusual numbers from last month (See 10-10-10) with this investigation the following year.    Already the title of the investigation is fun to say, but despite such a cheerful monicker this specific date has a rather ominous nature.  According to numerologists, this is a date of personal conflict.  These numbers are in conflict and cause great disturbances.  According to the website Numerology, Decoding the Universe: 

“In a nutshell, the stable, orderly, solid, conventional 4 competes with the highly unstable, dynamic, foolhardy and unconventional  5. The practical, results-oriented 8 and the idealistic, dreamy 9 are also at each other’s throat more often than not, and the 1 and the 0 are as different as night and day. In short, there is plenty of discord. The result is a whirlwind of energies that can affect us all.

On a global scale, these Universal cycles will cause some havoc, probably in all areas, from the stock market to the weather. Fortunately, the influence is short-lived and relatively harmless. If you sit tight and follow the advice on the next page, you should be able to weather this disturbance without much damage. In fact, some of you may even have an opportunity to turn it to your advantage.”

For the SPIRITS of St. Petersburg, this date brought some better results.  The investigation resulted in some mild EVPs and a small video clip. Sensitives were quite active with this case which included a rather talkative entity.  Feel free to review how the universal disorder worked with  the SPIRITS investigators for this case.


Homeowner report (verbal)— this investigation was a last minute replacement for one that was canceled earlier that evening.Home owner reports that she knew of the house and lived nearby it.  One night while walking her pets, she heard a voice say “you should buy this house”.  The voice was her own voice, but the pronoun was wrong (why “you” and not “I”?) .  Has not had a history of hearing voices, but does claim intuition and believed this was simply a strong manifestation of intuition.  When she bought the house, everyone who came into it left positive feed back, with an exceptional number describing the house as “warm” “friendly” and “inviting”, though it had sat empty for 3 years and was bought via a near foreclosure.  Complete strangers (electrical, plumbers, tree trimmers, family, friends) have used the same words without prompting.  Does not believe it is to compliment her as much as it is commentary on the house itself.Describes the house as a calm one — very peaceful.  Sitting inside is unlike most homes.  This one seems buffered somehow, quieter than expected.Claims to have felt initially uncomfortable with being alone in the house, particularly at night.  Always assumed that was simply being in a house alone.  Would bring pets with her as she moved in and would have no troubles.Her pets have no problem with the house.  Believes the house is a “control” investigation.Investigation notes for 9-10-11

Investigator:  When  standing in living room, I heard the word “nona” which is grandmother in Italian. Going around with EMF, when I first went out there was nothing in hallway, nothing significant in back bedroom. I had a few spikes in the room behind the a/c, a few spikes. When I went around again, there were no spikes on the wall. There is high EMF by outlets, and by kitchen, appliances, outlets. In the sun room, back wall to the right there was a pretty significant EMF spike, there was an electrical box outside. It  felt to me that the garage was a workshop for an older or middle age man who tinkered in there. Nothing significant in back of house, but on the front sidewalk, there was one section that had a spike. There is an electrical line outside, but it spiked only in one location. Others had that too.

During the EVP: Names “Abby” came up from sensitives, along with Anne or an “A” strong name – i.e., Nancy.

Sensitives got years 1954 – 56, and “1950s”.

Asked if this person was the first home owner – a small spike on EMF meter.

What year did you die? 1964 (sensitive response)

How did you die? Congestion in lungs (sensitive response)

(Brandy heard whispering or mouthing of words).

Last name? Howe (sensitive response)

Did you have a cat? Or dog? Do you like animals? (No response).

Research notes on property: 

No directory in 1949. By 1951, Robert and Sophia D bought the property. He appears to be retired. 
Up until 1955 and 59, Robert died. Sophia lived there herself. She stayed there until 1971 or 1972. Then, Mrs. C. H. moved in 1972. IN 1973, a man named Edward R W moved in. 
1974: Rusty B moved in. Lorraine (wife), he lived there in 1981; she died or divorced; Married Claira G; they divorced in November of 1981. He filed papers against her (he was the plaintiff, she was the respondent). She never answered the court document; he was granted the divorce. Married Virginia B, 17 years younger (her second marriage).
Rusty died in 2003. [Trip out of town?] Virginia put the house on the market after a couple of years. (Virginia may have died as well?)


Brandy’s Report

During the investigation, I did witness the EMF meter going off.  It went off when sensitives mentioned “the old woman” or I addressed the condition of the house (which was, at the time, being refurbished).  When I asked if she liked the colors of the paints that the house was being painted, the EMF went off twice (beep-beep; Susan’s meter also picks up sound).

To account for EMF, everything was shut down in the house with the exception of the fridge and the hot water heater.  One SPIRITS member stood by the fridge to make sure it was not cycling to trigger a reading; the hot water was too far away, and with external electric conduits.  We also tried timing the EMF.  The EMF was not consistent nor did it run in tandem with the fridge.

I was surprised at how many observed the sensation of feeling watched and of an old woman’s presence on the property.   I did feel chilled twice, though I was not in an air current (the house is well shaded, though, by trees).  At one point, I thought I heard someone mouthing words in answer to a question, though no one else did.  Nothing showed up on video or EVP at this time to support my experience.

Unusual “hmmmm” noise in the background. Very low voice.
Both have a whistle noise in the background. Unknown source. 

​Recheck:  March 9, 2013
Home owner’s report:
1. Do you experience any of the following?
Visual: Clouds, smokes, wispy forms, outlines, white figures/shadows
Visual: Unexplained movement caught from the peripheral (corner of the eyes)
Sounds: Whispering, muttering, talking

2. If animals are in the vicinity, have they been observed (check all that apply): 
Animals here but not much help with the paranormal sensing

3. Have you experienced any of the following? Please check all that apply.
Unusual dreams: Dreams that seem external or unrelated to the dreamer, though projections, or interrupted dreams.
Expression of SLIder phenomena: SLIder stands for “Street Light Interference”. This is paranormal activity relating to the living. Theoretically, SLIders are emitting a low grade of PK (psychokinetic) energy which interacts and interferes with electronic devices. SLIder phenomena includes street lights going off as a person walks by them, electronic devices constantly breaking when a person is near them or attempts to use them, watches dying, batteries dying at an abnormal rate, etc.

4. Is there any other phenomena that you have experienced that we did not ask you about? If so, please list and describe.
Over the summer (July) I got up and was getting ready to go back to bed. I called the pugs and said “It’s time to go back to bed” and I heard an odd feminine voice echo “You’re going back to bed?” It was in another room — sounded as if it came from the living room. I thought it was the TV initially. I went out and discovered everything was turned off. I thought it was strange and did document it. The next day — about 14 hours later — a tree limb on a the tree lining the border of my property fell on my neighbor’s garage. The tree is located outside of my bedroom. I always wondered if the two were connected. In April, my father died. I am coming up on the one year anniversary of our last visit (March 23-25). I have been working on closing out the last of his estate. About 3 weeks ago,m a golden Buddha that I got from his house (the chubby Buddha of happiness) fell off of the shelf it was on. It landed on the floor. I noted that the shelf it sat on was warped (it’s an antique) so moved the figure back into place onto a more secure part of the shelf and let it go. Two weeks later, the head of my male foo dog (I have a pair representing mother and father facing the door of my bedroom into the living room) literally fell off. Years ago these foo were on shelves that collapsed (in another home). The heads were damaged and I spent a lot of time gluing ears back together. I am not sure if there was additional damage to the head — it’s been a number of years (probably 5 or more). The Foos have been sitting on my nightstand since I moved in (2 years ago) and have never shown any stress. I’ve never had any trouble with them, but was a bit startled to hear a “thunk!” (the origin of which I could not initially find) but later walked into the bedroom to discover the father figure decapitated. I have replaced the head with new glue. So far, so good. However, in conjunction with my father’s estate and the upcoming anniversaries of our last visit and his subsequent death 3 weeks later, I’m not sure what to make of this — if anything. I did have one friend come in who has sensitivity. She noted that there was an immediate energy in the house in the living room. The energy felt different from what she had sensed before and she thought it might be male. However, she could not determine any more about it so I opted for the investigation.
5. Do you experience any anomalous health conditions that might impact these experiences? If so, how might they be impacted? (Medication, physical sensations, etc.?) 
Saw Dr. in Feb. and was given a OK health wise.

6. To your knowledge, did any of the following events happen on the property?
No Response

7. When was the property/location built? Was the location recently remodeled/refurbished? If so, when? Do you have any information on the history of the property? 

House built: 1948 

History of the neighborhood/surrounding area:

 A cypress dugout canoe dredged from Crescent Lake in 1924, provided evidence of a Native American presence in the neighborhood. The canoe, now in the Museum of History, is thought to date from about 1800. 

In 1842 the Governor of Florida, with the Congress, declared it open to homesteaders with the “Armed Occupation Act”. By 1860-1880 many speculators and land developers began to acquire large holdings throughout Florida. Alfred Neelds had land in the 4th Street and Crescent Lake area during 1873. William C. Murphy owned 40 acres in the area. The Lake Butler Villa Co. owned the areain 1877. These early pioneers bought, sold and traded land tracts often due to various events. The Civil War, hurricanes and land speculation contributed to these events. Many tracts were inherited by their descendents and often sub- divided and sold during several land booms. During the early 1900’s most of this area was citrus groves, virgin pine timber, and open range for cattle. There were a few farm and ranch homes in these outlaying parts. Recorded in 1907 is the Shepherd home, “way out in the country”, at the southeast corner of what is now 8th Street and 29th Avenue North. About 1905 to about 1925 two land booms had taken place resulting with considerable development in the area. The “Piedmont Place” subdivision was platted Nov.7, 1912. The developer C. W. Springstead platted the subdivision “Spring Hill” in Jan.27, 1913 “Florida Heights” was platted March 3, 1917. The “Crescent Park Heights” subdivision, was formed when group of owners had formed a partnership by combining their land to form the Crescent Park Heights subdivision. They were Jim D. Griner, W. H .Prichard, W. C. Foster, A. T. Anderson, Mrs. Grace Watkins, E. B. Kilgore and G.R. Sechler. The subdivision was platted Oct. 14, 1922. 

Most of the homes are of the 1920’s-1950’s era. Many were built as bungalows for winter visitors. Larger homes were built for wealthy retiree’s. Famous residents included Mrs. Mueller, of Mueller’s Macaroni, who has a home built on 7 Street. In addition, an apartment building on 24th Avenue served as the spring training home for Babe Ruth when the New York Yankees trained at the Miller Huggins-Stengel Field at the south end of Crescent Lake. Approximately 50-60% of the homes in Crescent Heights would qualify as a historical landmark site. Crescent Heights lies just north of beautiful Crescent Lake Park, which contains a large spring fed lake, a playground, tennis courts, and several landscaped acres of family fun. Many original brick paved streets remain with towering Live Oak trees providing canopied covered shady streets. 

Property itself: Previous/Current address residents: K***** W++++ Male, late 40’s S***** S++++ Female, mid 40’s (same source also ref. 60’s) V***** C++++ Female, early 70s , Birth August 28, 1912 Death June 27, 2005 G*****B++++ Male, late 80’s (1973-2003) Birth November 6, 1924 Death March 24, 2003 U.S. World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946 V*****B+++++ Female, early 70’s (1993-2003) T and C***F+++++: Female, late 30’s (2003-2011) Male, early 40’s ( 2003-2011) Current owner: Female, AGELESS! (2011-current)

8. A time line of paranormal activity is immensely helpful. Please note as much information as possible, including dates, times, events, who was present, and what happened.
See information above.

I did have this group out before. I initially thought the house was not haunted but they did discover a female presence we are calling Sophia who matches the description of a prior home owner. Sophia seems to watch over the home and does not bother me or the pets. I am not sure if she is still here or not. I have had the female voice (muttering or murmuring) happen before the summer report (I believe two other times). It has not happened since this summer, however.

9. The SPIRITS of St. Petersburg respects homeowner privacy. As such, we often list investigations by general street names or other non-specific name. Please tell us how you want us to title your investigation.
March 9, 2013


Parts to recheck: Probably the most active was the living room and the study. EVPS attempted.

Investigation Reports:
1. What was your role in this investigation? (Please check one)
Investigator (general)

2. What equipment did you use on this investigation?
Audio recording devices
Electro Magnetic Field Meter (EMF meter)

3. What phenomena did you experience on this investigation? (Please check all that apply)
Sensation of energy
Odd behavior of equipment

4. In review of the footage, recording, or photographs taken at the location, which of the following did you find? (Please check all that apply)
No unusual occurrences at all

5. Please post investigation notes here. Please quantify it with the following categories: Sensitive or Technical. Please end your notes with your general overall observations of the investigation. Include information that you have learned from the reveal session.
Technical: EMF detector was alerting at start of investigation in the living room near the base of daybed along inside wall toward the entry door and into hallway into bedrooms. corner near kitchen was not registering. The alert was strong from the floor to around 4 feet. The interesting thing is that when the EMF detector was placed on light switches or expected areas of higher fields, the results were lower than in the previously mentioned areas. Continuing into the office the EMF detector continued to alert at high frequencies. I maintained a high rating and topped out on several occassions in the periphery of the room maintaining the same pattern as the livingroom with 4 feet in height. We continued a baseline walk that went into the office that also registered high readings on the EMF. The bathroom registered with a high spike in front of the bathtub and quiet elsewhere. The homeowner’s bedroom was active at the foot and over the bed. It did not spike near the ceiling fan and the clock radio did not alert until the EMF detector was placed a few inches next to it. The kitchen did not alert until I moved closer to the entry to the “Rat Room”. Walked out onto the front porch and noted high readings that led straight out to sidewalk following walkway. EMF detector also alerted near the base of the house to the right of the porch. We attempted a question session in the room and slight fluctuations were noted in readings with questions referencing the following: 1. Whether the presence was a source of the noises in the house 2. Whether the Grey Ghost story was relevent. 3. Would the presence like the audio recording of a ghost story to be played. Sensitive: Noted fingertips began to tingle in livingroom near the foot of the daybed into the area of the entry door. This tingling is a reaction I have noted with prior activity but is usually more noticable. My hand was also elevated holding the EMF, so I discount this as being anything. I got the distinct impression of a heated argument that started in the livingroom and continued into the hallway and office. It was not violent but heated raised voices between a man and a woman. I also received an impression of a sick person/hospice type situation in the office. I felt that there may have been a fall. I also picked up on my left forearm hurting which felt as if there may have been an IV. On the bottom step of the front porch I heard a soft male voice state “Let’s go for a walk” Other members had the following impressions: 1. “just passing through” 2. Blue bells 3. from prior visit – Sophie Smith, widow, 1950-60’s, again “just passing through” 4. The dates 1938 and 1999 5. Harriet Post investigation discussion stated that prior residents of the house divorced acrimoniously. It was believed that their master bedroom was in the office area. Current homeowner’s father has recently passed with cancer. Followed up with investigation of Sophia Smith in the area and located an individual with the same name that was widowed. She lived one time on 26th ave., but not in the acutal home.

6. Rate the level of perceived haunted activity of this location, rank it 0 – 5.

1: Residue haunting (Mild) [Some information validiated, some unable to validate]

7. What issues does the review team need to address with the occupant (homeowner, business owner, resident)? What aspects of the investigation need to be re-addressed, retested, or clarified? Does this investigation require an immediate recheck?
Need to check the electrical wiring and ventwork to see if it follows the pattern of high EMF activity. Wouldn’t hurt to follow up with perhaps a smaller group?

1. What was your role in this investigation? (Please check one)
Investigator (general)

2. What equipment did you use on this investigation?
Digital camera

3. What phenomena did you experience on this investigation? (Please check all that apply)
No Response

4. In review of the footage, recording, or photographs taken at the location, which of the following did you find? (Please check all that apply)
No unusual occurrences at all

5. Please post investigation notes here. Please quantify it with the following categories: Sensitive or Technical. Please end your notes with your general overall observations of the investigation. Include information that you have learned from the reveal session.
During this investigation I did not sense anything. I had been to the location a few days earlier and did sense the homeowner’s father. This was also picked up by others on this investigation.

6. Rate the level of perceived haunted activity of this location, rank it 0 – 5.
2: Residue haunting (Active) [Information is validated]

7. What issues does the review team need to address with the occupant (homeowner, business owner, resident)? What aspects of the investigation need to be re-addressed, retested, or clarified? Does this investigation require an immediate recheck?
No Response

This was my second time investigating this location and the major difference was the EMF readings. My meter registered higher than previous EMF activity in areas not previously recorded. This occurred throughout the location. In the one room when I asked who was there the answer I received was “Dad”. I asked if he was proud of his child (home owner) and the EMF meter spiked and stayed that way until I asked it to stop.

6. Rate the level of perceived haunted activity of this location, rank it 0 – 5.
3: Apparition (Mild) [Personality apparent, but little interaction]

7. What issues does the review team need to address with the occupant (homeowner, business owner, resident)? What aspects of the investigation need to be re-addressed, retested, or clarified? Does this investigation require an immediate recheck?
No additional follow up needed.

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