Pennsylvania Hotel – Courtyard by Marriott

2008 – St. Petersburg, Downtown

Video from investigation on the night of the event.
EVP provided by Pasco Pinellas Paranormal.  

Courtyard by Marriott, Pennsylvania Hotel
Downtown St. Petersburg 

This was a most unique case for the SPIRITS of St. Petersburg.  It combined multiple elements into a unique experiment during the holiday season.  The event was designed to be a fund raiser for charity.  As the SPIRITS of St. Petersburg is a local team whose efforts primarily reach into the surrounding community we decided that we wanted to actively participate in giving back.  The SPIRITS of the Season was our answer.  For a voluntary donation of items given to local charities, members of the public could do a guided investigation of the hotel.

In order to prepare for this event, the SPIRITS did research the hotel ourselves.  The Courtyard by Marriott was formerly the Pennsylvania Hotel, built in 1925.  It was utilized by the government during World War II to house soldiers, later converting back into its normal operations.  It was one of the last hotels to give up its seasonal status in this area.  It was also eventually expanded into old and new quarters.

Activity was reported by the hotel on several floors.  The most active areas were the second floor, followed by the sixth and forth.  Hotel staff said that some people staying at the hotel could sense it was haunted and inquired about the ghosts.  Activity included a spectral nurse on the first floor, playing children and ringing phones on the second, and a haunted maid’s closet on the sixth floor.

The SPIRITS did investigations prior to the event.  As reported below, we did get an EVP and some odd orb images.  Though this team is not generally a supporter of orbs, the images are posted with this page.  There is one image that is particularly fascinating because it is not like a typical orb image.  Though round in shape, this orb is also quite solid and appears bordered by a blue aura.  It manifested in the area where the nurse is sometimes seen.  There were no reflective surfaces to produce this oddity, and areas were checked to ensure that it was not an outside energy inadvertantly captured by camera.  The orb blocks out the leaves of the plant behind it and appears to be a solid object inside the area.

The true test came with the night of the event.  Guests who came to the hotel were given a brief history of the hotel itself, but not told of any haunting activities.  The guests were then split into three groups led by various mini-SPIRITS teams through the hotel.  At the end of the evening, guests told SPIRITS members what they found and where — either through equipment or sensitivity.  All reports were recorded to see what was found.  At the very end, the SPIRITS revealed the haunted activity to the assembled groups to see how well they did.

Overall, the general public had reactions from “no activity” to sensing areas similar to what the SPIRITS had found.  Most often, the second floor was reported to have a strange feeling. In a fairly consistent manner, guests reported feeling slightly ill on that floor, the sensation of being watched, or an unusual energy.   The fourth floor also had numerous reports.  One team said that a glass on its side had started to rock back and forth on its own, but later SPIRITS experiments showed that it was primarily due to natural causes (the glass falling over and its own weight/construction created the odd rocking motions).  

It was also interesting that a couple of members of the group reported no activity or sensations at all.  The statements seem to support a popular paranormal theory that sensitivity is something akin to an inborn gift.  As with other gifts various individuals manifest a vareity of levels of ability.  The interaction of the public, however, primarily supported earlier SPIRITS findings.

Though we have a desire to create a second “SPIRITS of the Season” the event has yet to come to pass.  Securing the space, time, and needed items has proven difficult in today’s fast paced world, but perhaps the SPIRITS of St. Petersburg can replicate this experiment with a new location.  Only time will tell.  

Hotel Reports the following: 

HOTEL REPORT (11-30-08)
The initial reports “yes” to the following:
*Seeing a shadow/shadowy figure(s).
*Peripheral vision manifestations. 
*Cold drafts or cold spots found only in a certain location.
*Doors opening or closing without assistance.
*Abnormal behavior of telephones.
*Unexplained Voices.
*The sensation of being watched when no one is present.

Are there any other phenomena that you have experienced that we did not ask you about? 
*The sound of children playing in the laundry room and the GM office
*On the 2nd floor the sound of a antique phone dialing was reported. 
*Thing usually happen between 1 am – 5 am.
*During the day, the staff report a strange feeling by the 6th floor historic side closet.
*On the 2nd & 3rd floors, we get reports of seeing “something” in white.
*Sometimes, when a person pushes a button for one floor the elevator will go to all the floors and open the door for reasons unknown. 
*Whispering and the sounds of kids playing have been reported on several occasions.
*When I try to go in a room on the 2nd 3rd floor, my key will not open the door.  However, I will try the room next to it and have no problem opening the door.

*10/23/07: The phone from room 220 rang.  The room was vacant at the time; this goes on all the time. * Room 215 there have been several occasion we are unable to get in the room. 
*11/11/07, 11/13/07, 11/16/07: We had a guest check in to room 717 and the next morning he ended up in room 217.  His room key was programmed only for room 717.  It should not have opened the door for room 217. 
*11/15:  A guest told us we had trapped spirits in the hotel.  
*11/16 sometime on the 5th floor the elevator will open and stay open until someone gets on. 

When was the structure built? 
We think the hotel was build in 1925.

Notes from interview with staff member, 11/22/08.

The staff member has worked at the hotel for two years.  Currently, she is a night auditor.

Q:  Have you heard of any haunted phenomena?

A:  A few guests hear things…hear sounds of people talking and there is no one around.  Some of the house keeping staff say that when they go to certain areas, they feel a sensation of spookiness.

A guest the other day walked down and as he was checking out he said that “you have some ghost trapped in the hotel”.  He was a business man. 

Some guests said that they hear kids running through the hall. 

The kitchen area is reported as feeling watched or feeling weird. 

The historic side has phenomena.  Room 220 on the second floor is reported for phenomena.  People hear noises and hear whispering around them at night. The storage on this side (historic side) of the building is where the cleaning staff have to look for material on the 6th floor.  That is where they feel creepy.

Q:  Has anyone died in the hotel?  
A:  I don’t know of anyone who has died in the hotel.

Q:  Have there been any accidents?
A:  Not that I know of.  I asked the same questions.  (Why?)  I am curious about the history of the hotel.

Q: Have you had any experiences here?
A:  I used to walk the floors at night and did feel as if someone is walking behind me.  I would run through those areas.

A series of questions was asked to determine what phenomena is reported:

Second floor has peripheriphal vision manifestation/shadowy figure (adult size); 220 is the one that guests say there is something in the hotel. 

No objects moving or known to disappear

Sounds: whispers

Sensation: as if someone is close to you.

In areas of strangeness would run; does not feel scary, just odd. 

Q: What do you know of the history of the hotel? 

A:  It was built in 1925, opened in 1926.  (Mary:  This is firm.  The information is found in newspaper records.)

Area beside hotel was a barber shop and a restaurant (no fatalities).  It was bought and rennovated for the new wing in 2006.

All seven floors are original; new side only had a few floors to match the same size as the old.  When did they build the new part (October 2006); construction started 8 months before the wing was opened. 

Room 212
Note areas in red seemed to be very interactive, orange fairly interactive.


2. What equipment did you use on this investigation?
Digital camera
Audio recording devices
Electro Magnetic Field Meter (EMF meter)
Other (please specify)
Comment: Paranormal Puck and computer
3. What phenomena did you experience on this investigation? (Please check all that apply)
Sensation of energy
Odd behavior of equipment
The detection of aromas (olfactory)
4. In review of the footage, recording, or photographs taken at the location, which of the following did you find? (Please check all that apply)
Nothing that cannot be explained naturally
5. What technical observations did you note during the investigation? For purposes of categorizing data, please post your first name, followed by your response.
My audacity program would not record at the hotel. I had to utilize my hand held recorder and convert the files when I got home. Not sure why this happened. EMF seemed all over the place; suspect the wiring in the old part is part of it. Two orb images but likely dust. One part of EVP had a strange feminine whisper to it. Unsure what is being said or what to make of it.

HOTEL REPORT (11-30-08)
The initial reports “yes” to the following:
*Seeing a shadow/shadowy figure(s).
*Peripheral vision manifestations. 
*Cold drafts or cold spots found only in a certain location.
*Doors opening or closing without assistance.
*Abnormal behavior of telephones.
*Unexplained Voices.
*The sensation of being watched when no one is present.

Are there any other phenomena that you have experienced that we did not ask you about? 
*The sound of children playing in the laundry room and the GM office
*On the 2nd floor the sound of a antique phone dialing was reported. 
*Thing usually happen between 1 am – 5 am.
*During the day, the staff report a strange feeling by the 6th floor historic side closet.
*On the 2nd & 3rd floors, we get reports of seeing “something” in white.
*Sometimes, when a person pushes a button for one floor the elevator will go to all the floors and open the door for reasons unknown. 
*Whispering and the sounds of kids playing have been reported on several occasions.
*When I try to go in a room on the 2nd 3rd floor, my key will not open the door.  However, I will try the room next to it and have no problem opening the door.

*10/23/07: The phone from room 220 rang.  The room was vacant at the time; this goes on all the time. * Room 215 there have been several occasion we are unable to get in the room. 
*11/11/07, 11/13/07, 11/16/07: We had a guest check in to room 717 and the next morning he ended up in room 217.  His room key was programmed only for room 717.  It should not have opened the door for room 217. 
*11/15:  A guest told us we had trapped spirits in the hotel.  
*11/16 sometime on the 5th floor the elevator will open and stay open until someone gets on. 

When was the structure built? 
We think the hotel was build in 1925.

Digital by Les.  Conference room.
Staff Interview 12-06-08

We also did an interview on our way out with a guest services representative. 

Question: Have you had any paranormal experiences?
Answer:  The first week that I was here I was training on the computer.  Right in the middle of the training, a drawer opened up for no reason.  That was the only thing that happened.

What do you know of copy machines?  Can they just run (the scanner moves) for no reason?  (SPIRITS answer:  Probably.  Will need to check into it, but some machines may cycle through when on even when no one is using them).

Question:  Have you had any guest reports on activity here?
Answer:  Yes.  Two weeks ago a guest reported that we had a lot of trapped spirits here.  That was all he said as he walked out to go to the store.

Another guest said that they could not sleep in a room.  They were the only ones in the room but they kept hearing voices.  This was probably room 220.  It’s the coldest room in the hotel.  This was around 9 in the evening.  We sent a valet into the room.  He stood there for a few seconds and one of the door handles started to turn.  He left right then. 

Question:  Any other reports?
Answer:  No, that’s about it directly to me.

After this, Mary and I walked around the outside of the hotel.  Mary knew that a house had been at 401 3rd Ave. North; we guessed that this house was probably over the parking lot and the area where the manager’s office is.  It may be the reason that the manager’s office is one of the haunted areas as it may intersect with where the house once stood.  (Mary — was this the “Case” family?)

Joey-Maid’s closet- sensed that someone jumped from the window (suicide)
         220- sensed the year 1968, and woman
         408- cell phone turned on by itself and locked
         217-uneasy feeling

Jamie:    Room 212 felt drawn to bathroom  and the shower area.  Room 220:  Felt unsettled in that room.  Room 408:  got really hot and had to walk out.  Got an orb on the door.  Sixth floor hallway felt there was something or someone down at the end of the hallway.

Charlene:  In the electrical room, we went in and the girls went out.  the door bolt was out on it.  they shut the door and it locked.  when we opened it the bolt was closed.  Charles was talking about feeling things in 617 and so they tried the fountain pen and it just lay there.  They went up to the end table and they put a glass on the table.  it went all the way to the edge and came back.  And then he could lay it down and it would just jiggle. 

Very sick to stomach in room 212.  220 felt very sick. 
EMF went off in 212.  Drawn to the window in 212.  Possible contemplation of suicide; or potential jump at window.  220 was crazy; felt nautious, meters were going off. 

Nothing.  Discovered that the aroma was fabreeze dispensors.

Air felt stuffy on all floors, can breath down here.  Got two image on her camera (card too big to download)

Alexis: Second floor def. has most activity and is the most intriguing.  I could stay there the whole night and it draws me in.  I felt a male presences, younger, but reached his maturity.  He was still young.  I felt a female, very somber, reclusive.  We did get EVPs in 220 (at least 3). 

Amanda L.  As soon as we got on the 4th floor I got dizzy the entire time.  I felt that there was something behind us the entire time.  I had kept getting dizzy between 408 and 412 a huge feeling of dread and agony; went away after 412.  On the 6th floor we were in the storage closet and it opened up for suicide, the first name that popped into my head was “Jane”.  The door slammed shut behind us as we left with people in the room.  We heard a door opening when we were in the new hallway and we looked; no one visible.  On the 2nd floor, room 220 smelled like a cigar.  when i was going down the hallway, the stairway from the 2nd to the 1st floor, I got really dizzy. 

Yana:  Same as Amanda; when we were in the storage room, I felt nautious.  In 220, it smelled like cigars and a feeling of lonliness.

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