Private Residence: Atticus House

November 28, 2023

St. Petersburg

Once Again, there are no end to the surprises found within the boundaries of Roser Park.  This was yet another delightful structure found near the cemetery. The building goes back to the early 1900s and has a quaint history as being a mother-in-law apartment for a doctor and his family. One rumor includes that he had a catwalk built between her bedroom and their second floor so that he could keep an eye on her. 

The Initial reports from the homeowner included that the cat seem to interact with something that was not there. The homeowner also has sensitivity and consents someone else in the structure. As the rear windows of the home face the cemetery, the homeowner believed that somebody was coming through for a visit. 

The most impressive elements of this investigation, which we did catch on film, include turning on a touch sensitive cat toy on request. It then replicated this upon a confirmation request.  

We set two of these light up toys next to each other on the table. After testing the stability of the table and ensuring that these items would not roll or be bumped, we discussed what the cat toys showed and how they worked. I demonstrated how the cat toys light up by touching one of them.  When we requested that the entity do the same, only the toy that I touched lit up. When we request to confirmation that it was the entity doing this, the same toy lit up again. It did not light up after that. 

The second item of interest was the theremin experiment. As we had heard that R.E.M. pods can be artificially triggered by radio waves, we have been experimenting with a theremin which is the base component of a R.E.M. pod.  We have used this on multiple sites. It was not until we did another house in Roser Park, a few blocks away, that the theremin turned itself on by itself in an empty room. We caught that on video. We set the theremin up again near the area where the cat toys were and requested that the entity make it create a sound by moving closer to the device. This happened a couple of times but my teammates wanted to make sure that nobody had inadvertently bumped the table. We tested the area and moved everything back, including people, and we requested that the theremin make a noise. Once again, the theremin turned itself on for approximately 5 seconds. The noise would not be replicated after that. 

 Are sensitives picked up a few entities, including a young man who had been killed in the area. He was an African-American and it had been some sort of racially motivated attack that took place in the early 20th century. So far, we have not found any data to support that. The second strong entity was nicknamed June bug. It was an older woman who watched the homeowner cook in her kitchen and oftentimes found what the homeowner cooked kind of funny. The sensitive was able to pick up on items that none of the team knew, including that she was making a form of bean dish with specific ingredients. Homeowner confirmed that this was a recipe passed down from a parent.The entity primarily resides in appears to have and greatly enjoyed cooking. She is friendly and protective. We have not yet found research that matches her description but hope to check the cemetery to find out if we can find the proper name that was also given to our sensitives. 

 The homeowner has had subsequent conversations with Nancy about sensitivity, and has purchased some protective crystals for the home as some of the heavier energy returned briefly. Things do seem quieter at this point. 

The team does need to double check the cemetery to see if we can find anyone that might match the descriptions provided by our sensitives.

Below are the best captures from the evening.

Nancy was feeling energy coming up from the lower apartment. As she discussed this, the theremin started to buzz. No one was touching it or near it.
Theremin went off again.
I gave direction to place something where Nancy was sitting. At the four second mark, there was a sound like someone agreed. It wasn’t any of us. The sound was too close to the microphone to be any of us. Then, we got a spike to our question: Is there anyone here with us right now, if the answer is yes, can you make that needle spike. (18-20 sec marks. Two spikes.)
We were asking for names. In person, it sounded like Phillip.
We were working with the spirit portal. We asked how many are with us? In person it sounded like the answer was six. We asked again.
We talked about introducing ourselves and there was a response that sounded like “YUP.” As if they wanted us to make introductions. We asked a number of questions.
Nancy asked who the angry one was? Within seconds the cat toys lit up. We have two views. You can see that the table was not knocked or moved.
The resident asked, if this was someone living with her?
Brandy was explaining to the resident that when she went to bed, she may want to state that she is sleeping. Listen to the five second mark. There is a whisper right on the microphone. We hear “Stay Out!”
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