3516 Business

March 5, 2016 – Clearwater

EVP:  Spikes and knocks in response to questions
EVP:  Were you the man in the visor? (Knock)

This was a most unusual case and one of the most unique in the history of the SPIRITS.  Unlike other investigations, this entity was an active knocking ghost.  

We were first called out to the location with the report that things felt fine during the day, but at night it was a different matter. Sensations included feeling as if one were being watched, footsteps, and other odd sounds.  Though we cannot disclose any further information, the building is, itself, fairly old and it does have a history of a death on the property.  It is this individual who continues to hang about.

We did arrive after dark.As soon as we entered, sensitives began to feel something was present.  One area of a hallway felt heavier than any other.  As a group, we began to explore that region.  There wasn’t much activity until nearer the end of the investigation when the history of the building was revealed by the contact to the other investigators.  That is when things got active.   The first recording listed on this page is when were were tentatively seeing if anyone else was present in preparation for additional EVP questions. Note that the entity at first started with EMF spikes but switched to knocks.

What makes this even more unique as a case is that throughout the recording session,there are a total of 10 knocks that happen.  These appear only in answer to questions regarding the individual that we have documented as dying on the property.  Knocks appear in answer to name, manner of death, and the person’s occupation at the time of death.  Because this location wanted to remain anonymous, we cannot share those additional recordings. The two provided do not hold documented information.

Sadly, there were no recorded EVPs to correspond to the knocks.  Many of the EVPs were tainted because of an outdoor event going on several blocks away,but one that was loud enough to be picked up on recording.  The knocks, however, are unique.  In addition to being captured on recorder, they were clearly audible to all of the investigators present.  Great pains were taken to find the source of the knocks — from testing sounds ourselves to verification that no one was moving at the time the knocks were heard.

A second unusual manifestation showed up in the same property in the photograph shown above.  Taken in a stairwell, one of the SPIRITS members is captured at the top of the stairs.  There is a dust orb in front of the image, but a very odd asymmetrical self-illuminated shape off to the right.  There were no lights on that were captured by the lens,so it is unlikely to be a light refraction.  It is a  small but unusual image captured on digital camera. 

Overall, this is one of the most intriguing cases we have had as a group.  It is one of those cases that makes an investigator continue seeking answers to the unknown.

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