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Application for the SPIRITS of St. Petersburg paranormal investigation group.

Please be aware that the information is confidential. It is used to do a public records screening.

    What’s next?

    If the application and public record check are approved, the next step is a face-to-face interview. We meet in a public location (often a Panera’s) to do this. It’s a very casual interview and consists of discussion and comparison of philosophies to check for compatibility of potential member to the SPIRITS of St. Petersburg group. Finalists are then on probationary status for 1 quarter (they do not set up cases and it acts as a training period).

    Information on the SPIRITS of St. Petersburg: 

    • We typically do one event a month. These can be cases or they can be public events (tours, talks, etc.). These events are also fundraisers to cover the cost of the website and LLC status. We do ask members to participate in one event at least once a quarter (one event every three months) though members are welcome to participate more. We do accommodate to skill sets and preferences for members. This is supposed to be fun!
    • As we do go into private homes the public records check and interview process is necessary. Home owners place trust in our investigations.
    • Understand that all preparation for a case is up to each individual member.
    • Members should provide their own transportation. There are some cases when we do set up carpools. 
    • It is up to members to provide equipment. There are members who have equipment that can be loaned so it is not necessary to purchase new pieces. If interested in buying items, ghost investigation equipment need not be expensive and can include a boy scout compass, temperature gauge, recording device, camera, notebook and pen, or other similar items. We do not recommend cell phones, phone apps, or other untested equipment. If you have items that you would like to bring and use please feel free to do so. 
    • The SPIRITS is entirely voluntary and is, at this time, not charging a members fee. We do have occasional expenses, such as t-shirts, that volunteers MAY purchase but are not required to do so. In the past, membership fees have been up to $15 per member per year. We are attempting to cover all costs with the tours, sales of books, and donations in order to keep this free for members. 
    • We have no advertising budget.  It really helps when members are willing to post about events(or cross post). We also ask members to help us find paranormal leads and cases– if you hear of something, just let us know!
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