Shadow Animal Sightings

Do you have an animal shadow siting that you would like to post? Comments and observations about this phenomenon?  Please email me ( with the information, permission to post it, and how you would like to be identified, if at all, on the site. Please post “Shadow Animals” in the subject line.

Since I started this page there have been quite the influx of stories coming in.  One curiosity raised is the role of several reported white shadow animals.   I have also received a wider variety of stories than I would have imagined though the majority belong to shadow cats and dogs.  Due to the number of entries I have reworked the site into the following categories:

Note: The newest entries are at the bottom of the page. Submissions are posted as I get them  (I do not edit them for content, grammar, or spelling) unless otherwise noted. Be aware that this site does appear to work better with Internet Explorer and Google Chrome.  Some versions of Firefox seem to cause issues with the format of the pages.

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