Private Residence – 7th Ave North (0223)

Now that Hallowe’en approaches, many of you may wonder how a ghost might manifest.  One of the most common forms of paranormal activity  manifest as shadowy figures that move on their own.

If experienced, this can be most unsettling.  It is enough to make the receiver wonder if the home does contain more than meets the eye.  Yet, at the same time, it is not enough to fully say that there *IS* something there.  These manifestations are the ones, at first, most often explained away as tricks of light, fatigue, or nerves.  

Over time, this type of occurrence can cease as the household settles.  If not, they can continue to evolve into a more interactive entity, sometimes as a fully manifest form complete with spectral outfits, personality, and quirks. 

This was part of the phenomena experienced at an investigation at 7th Ave. North in St. Petersburg.  

The homeowner saw shadows that appeared to change size.  At first, it was the height of a small child.  Later, it was so small that she mistook it for the family cat, until she realized the feline had recently died and there were no other pets in the household. 

As friends and co-workers came to visit, they, too, reported similar experiences.  Some actually saw the shadow in the form of an older woman, others as a middle aged woman with long brown hair.  One person who spent the night in the back bedroom was awakened by the forms of a couple, a man and a woman, standing over the bed.  

The paranormal incidents continued to escalate.  Shortly after the shadow figures manifested, smooth river rocks were discovered in the closet of the back bedroom.  No one knows how they arrived there; the family did not keep any for analysis. 

Eventually, those who slept in the back bedroom were now subject to spells of the bed shaking until they were awakened.  Subsequently, that area was abandoned by the living for more hospitable quarters.

Even this did not stop the activity entirely.  Though she moved her bed to the room furthest to the front of the home, the homeowner still felt as if she were being watched in the home.  She also had the sensation of someone breathing on her at night while she tried to sleep.  She felt drained whenever she went into the home, and finally moved the family from the dwelling.

The SPIRITS were called in to investigate. 

Upon arriving at the location, several sensed an immediate energy shift upon entering the house.  The atmosphere was heavy, oppressive, and very active.

Sensitives found multiple personalities in the house.  In the back bedroom they sensed an older woman who appeared to be a former homeowner and was “lost” in the house.  She was unhappy and weeping; sensitives were able to point out areas where she “stood” and subsequent photographs manifested orbs typically associated with paranormal activity.  

EMFalso registered near the back doorway, leading out of the room and into the backyard.  No wiring could be found in the area and the fuse box was located on the other side of the home.  

After a short time, she vanished and remained hidden for the remainder of the investigation.

Sensitives also caught a brief glimpse of a younger middle aged woman standing in the same room.  She manifested briefly but did not maintain any form of presence.  

The third manifestation was the most unsettling.  A male presence manifested and “spoke” only to the male member of the team present.  He disliked the women present.
The sensitive reported hearing “Where’s Johnny,” the name of the homeowner’s boyfriend.  The name was unknown to the team, no pictures were present, and the boyfriend was not present on the premises at the time.

His life was that of a very tough man:  he was a mechanic, a former Marine, and his death was due to a motorcycle accident that occurred some distance away from the house.  The homeowner often traveled that stretch of road, which is how he found her.  He was a “tag along” that “followed her home” shortly after his death.  

He reported that he constantly shadowed the homeowner, herself, in the home.  He reported watching her as she slept, possibly the source of the “breathing” sensation that she reported after the investigation ended.  

He became physically violent towards the male member of the team, squeezing the back of his neck and creating a heavy sensation on his body.  Pictures taken during this time show orb images across the man and odd shadows behind him.

Historical research did not find any deaths in that home and the land had a history typical to Florida:  it was once an orange grove.  Though the sensitive did receive a name for the male entity it was too common to pinpoint a single individual through research.  More information was needed to do a thorough historical search.

So, if you happen to see any meandering shadows through your home, remember to pay them some heed.  At least stand aside as they pass.  You never know who, exactly, they may be.

Investigation Reports:

 Homeowner, daughter and friend on premises

Red Room:  
Pre:  EMF recorded by the door, I felt dizzy.  The camera died.  Recording:  69 to 71 degrees
Investigation:  This area had a lot of activity. Sensitives sensed an old woman in this area.  We also got a lot of orb images.

The older woman was upset, wondering where her family went.  She was looking for her husband,  and had recently celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary.  In the 1980s he had his 50th birthday.  Denise picked up the name Deloris, or Eloise.  Scott picked up “Louise.”  She was petite, but very confused.

She wore blue or purple, with pearls.  She liked roses and perfumes.  She started to ask “Where is Robert?” and she smiled.  She wanted help finding Robert, her son. 

She had some relation to a lamp, which was flowery, antique.  It was a wedding present.  It was given to her by Robert.

One investigator briefly sensed a younger woman with long brown hair in the room

The other investigator began to get a stronger sense of a man who was about 35 when he died.  Death was related to blunt trauma to the face or nose.  He caught the name Andy, Andrew or Andrews.
The man died in 1967, he was drinking with friends.  He was a mechanic working in a small private garage.  Riding home on his motorcycle, he may have been hit by a car.  This man, they thought, might hide, move doors, or walk to the kitchen.  There were no ties to the house, but Scott was not sure why he was there. 

Pre:  No readings, closet:  air handler:  readings; Hallway:  Scott sensed we were being followed by something down the hallway.

Pre:  No readings.

Laundry Room:  
Pre: Nothing, I got chills, but no activity there.

Living room:  
Pre:  Chills with homeowner while preparing for the investigation
Light switch did give off EMF, as did a plug on the wall.

Main bedroom: 
Pre: A strangely de-energized area.  It had a wire in the back of the closet that could give off EMF.  I felt dizzy, and my camera, again, failed to work.

This area was perhaps the most active during the investigation.  Scott sensed, again, he was in his 30’s, and that he smoked.  He may have smoked marijuana.  Scott and Denise both felt a pain in their heads, associated with his breathing.

He liked to knock things over.  He also was attached to women who lived in the house.  

During this time, the needle on my Trifield meter fluctuated once on the 0-3 scale.

Several images appeared with Scott — many orbs around his arms, legs, head, and chest.  

As a physical description– entity only wanted to communicate with another male so focused on one of the men in our group. Entity  went to Vietnam in the 1960s.  The year 1976 was also associated with this entity. 

He had a mustache, and a crew cut.  He had green eyes.  He worked out. 

He did not like the homeowner.  He didn’t feel she had proven herself to be worthy.  He felt she was property.

He did ask “Where is Johnny?” 

Both sensitives reported feeling strange temperature fluctuations.  Scott felt warm, Denise cold.

I felt little or nothing, but did start to get fatigued.

Interview with homeowner:  
4 years ago she started to have strange dreams in the home.  The bed started shaking, and she sensed someone on or near her.

She also thought that the entity walked through the hall, and through the red room, out the back door.

At first, she dismissed these episodes as night terrors.  However, others also felt, and witnessed, the bed shaking at different times. 

She also started to see sparks of light, like electricity in the air.  

Over the past 3 years, 10 different people who have come into the home have seen or felt things in the house.  There is nothing physical, but the daughter has seen figures leaning over her bed.  These include experiencing dream paralysis, smelling flowers and cigars, seeing the figure of a woman with long brown hair in the red room, seeing an old woman in the red room, feeling someone breathing in her (homeowner’s) face while she was trying to sleep.  Shadow figures, particularly of small forms, have also been witnessed.  The homeowner’s children also found mysterious black stones in a closet several years ago, though they did not keep any for us to examine.  The homeowner has also felt something warm and comforting on her shoulders.  She feels that there are multiple entities on the property.

The homeowner felt anxious enough to eventually want to move out to a new place, and leave this one behind.

The house itself was rebuilt in 1980, on the same sight as an older home that was torn down to make room for it.  The couple she bought it from included a Robert, whom she never met.  The house was in horrible condition, and the couple was going through a divorce.

Before that, a single woman had lived there, she was the daughter of a lawyer.

Conclusion:  I was quite amazed by this.  I would say that there is a spirit of an older woman on the property.  She has been seen by the homeowner, and her friend, and sensed by Scott and Denise.  The older woman may be related to Robert.

The male entity, apparently, has attached itself to the homeowner.  According to Scott, it attached itself to her.  He sensed that the man had died on 66th St, and a street with an “8” in it (Denise thought it might be 38th).  Homeowner confirmed that she did travel down that area quite a bit. N The male entity did not communicate much with Denise, but seemed focused on Scott.  

The third entity is a surprising one; it was sensed strongly by the homeowner’s boyfriend, who was upset enough to ask the homeowner to close the door to the red room, where he saw her.  Denise got a brief blip from her.  She may be a place memory, though both reported that they sensed surprise when she was “sensed” and she faded quickly.

My questions are these:  Is there a vortex in the area?  A lei line?  Why are these entities strong enough to sense?  Are they attached to the land, the new house, the older house, or the homeowner?  This is rather unusual as a case.  

I found the nearly constant battery drain to be interesting.  I went through two to three sets of batteries alone.  

Homeowner has burned sage to try to get rid of the entity/ies.  However, it has not helped matters.  She felt that the best thing she could do was to move out of the house, and I agree.  

Post investigation owner communication. 2/24/03

Wow- I’m so glad that you got such good pictures. If you ever want to go back again and take more pics, just let me know- I’ll give you the keys. Personally, I think there is a heck of a lot of activity in the green bedroom.

I just wanted to say THANK YOU!! to all of you for coming out and spending your time to do this. You’ve certainly given me quite a lot to think about. As well, you’ve answered SO many questions that I had. A lot of the strange things that were going on with me a couple of years ago.

All I know, is that since I’ve gotten away from that house in August- my life has improved all the way around. It’s really a very oppressive atmosphere in there- and I finally feel like I can breathe again. I have no intentions of ever going back there. Perhaps I should just sell the place and be done with it. 

Well, Good luck to all of you- You guys are awesome!! I can’t wait to see the report. 

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