Chappy’s – Business (Closed)

May 25, 2009 – St. Petersburg

This case is somewhat incomplete because the video of a “bubble” we had captured on infrared video was uploaded on MySpace (yes, this case is that old).  The account was taken down and I neglected to get the video.  I do have one still from this video.  Truthfully, this was one of the oddest things that I have ever seen on a case.

The scenario:  Three of us and the staff were watching a TV that was hooked up to an infrared camera in the room next door.  This was the room with highest activity on the property.  As we watched this small bubble floated to the edge of the screen.  It sped up, grew larger and more transparent, turned around (perfect curve) and shrank down as it went off the screen.  It was not a but, it was not dust, it was not a flash light.  I have no idea how to explain it or how to quantify it other than as a “bubble” and likely manifestation of an entity.

Investigation Notes:
Paranormal Puck: Not very expressive for tonight. “Sandra, petting,, church“, most popular words.
Additional notes: older male energy attached to it; Denise got a double orb image showing movement. Beth: felt that something was out there in the courtyard area. Didn’t see anyone but had that feeling to go around. 

Paranormal Puck Session: 

Can you communicate with us with the computer?
User: Test
problem week million .
User: What is the problem?
User: What details?
gong practice
User: What are you practicing?
User: Kept what?
cement User: Are you buried in the cement?
User: Did you work with cement?
built bush drank
User: Drank what? Was this a bar?
User: Was this used as a front for something?
User: What is the message that you want to pass on?
sound used miss
User: Did you want to be recorded?
User: Do you miss the concert?
hunting began
User: What are you hunting?
User: Is this money related?
sure stunt covered
User: Is there money hidden here?
User: Where is the money hidden?
along kept sugar pet
User: Is this in the sugar bowl?
User: Did you have stolen money here? Were you on the take?
User: Did you stop money from being stolen?
User: Did you want us to have the money?
ask erase decided
User: where is the money?
drift repeated take

Business Representative Interview

First week, came in and saw a man leaning over on a table. He was tall, with light colored hair. She wondered who was here, and he was gone. He was not old, and I thought that he was my age.
Biz owner reports: Knocking heard inside when the only other employee was on camera visible to the manager. This happened for a week.

The camera: two employees came in and in the corner of the camera there is a large ball on the camera. Anthony went in to see what it was, and the ball dissipated on the camera. It did look like it looked on the camera that we saw tonight.

Anthony has seen someone grab his hand in the kitchen, a woman with black messed up hair.
While in the office, the menus that were up on the shelf which has to be reached up to to get to them. The menus fell off the shelf and hit me on the head.

Bar stools have been scraping across the floor. Bar stirs fell on the floor.

Last night, I was out in the ally, the knife that I put down disappeared. Stuff like that happens a lot.
In the back office, the lights have gone on and off a few times. I could have sworn that the lights were off and they’d be back on. The door is closed on the ally, the door seems to open and it slams. One hour before the SPIRITS got here the door started to slam and move on its own.

When I was outside in the ally, the door closes and it locks on its own. I pulled the door closed and it locks. The door would keep opening each time I pulled it closed. 

Our things crash a lot, fax won’t work, phones won’t work; the phone will die, it won’t hang up.
I have heard my name a few times — I could have sworn that I heard “Michelle”. Jess, another employee, heard something behind her.

Chappy’s used to be a jazz club where people used to hang out a long time ago.

This was once a lounge to a hotel; Al Capone used to hang out.

One of the oldest buildings in St. Pete; was St. Charles Hotel built in 1905. Breezeway went from Central to 1st — used to be part of Mass Brothers. The banquet hall was originally the entranceway.

This same employee was one I had heard about for another investigation.  This was indirect, but we had investigated Hammerhead’s (now closed).  I was told about an employee who had experiences; this was the employee.  He repeated what happened to him in that place:  In the kitchen area it is 4 – 5 steps up. The dishwasher was at the opposite end, Drew was at the main bar and I was on the stairs. No one was around me; I wasn’t walking fast and I was pushed with force down the stairs.
Drew heard about the knives fly across the room. Employees had to use the restroom upstairs; got a creepy “I’m being watched” scary feeling — not a good energy or feeling. Kitchen we would see a little girl. Sometimes you would feel something coming through.

Investigator’s reports

Digital camera
Audio recording devices
Other (please specify)
Paranormal Puck/Computer
3. What phenomena did you experience on this investigation? (Please check all that apply)
Other (please specify below)
witnessed the orb on video nearly as it happened
4. In review of the footage, recording, or photographs taken at the location, which of the following did you find? (Please check all that apply)
Rod images (video)
5. What technical observations did you note during the investigation? For purposes of categorizing data, please post your first name, followed by your response.
Was sitting with the video camera and TV.  I Saw the “bubble” rod image on the tape. EMF went from 1.48 to 1.25 to 1.33 (a lot of bouncing) on the Puck. EVPs were compromised with the extreme noise from the concert. When I went to listen to the EVPs (just in case) I cannot find my recorder. I have looked in the bag and all pockets.
6. What sensitive observations did you note during the investigation? For purposes of categorizing data, please post your first name, followed by your response.
Exhausted that night. Tripped coming down the stairs and landed on my knees. This is unusual for me.
7. What researched/historical information did you learn about this location? For purposes of categorizing data, please post your first name, followed by your response.
It was formerly an old hotel built around 1905. Used by gangsters in the day; Chappy’s was once a jazz lounge for the hotel. Reports of a woman manifesting echoed by investigators on property who also sensed her. Report of a “bubble” caught on Chappy’s video (from staff) — though much larger than ours. Staff have seen a male entity in the location.
8. On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate the haunting of this location? Note on scale: 1 represents “no haunting”, 5 “moderate haunting” and 10 “extremely haunted”?
9. What issues does the review team need to address with the occupant (homeowner, business owner, resident)? What aspects of the investigation need to be re-addressed, retested, or clarified?
Try for EVPs when no concert is playing. Need to try to recheck the location again when less fatigued.
10. Is there any other information that you would like to add about this investigation? For purposes of categorizing data, please post your first name, followed by your response.
No Response

June 1:  Phone call to Chappy’s:

Called Chappy’s to let them know that the reports were up.  The person I spoke with told me that they had actually found some old money (a $5 bill) behind a sugar dish (or something like that).  This bill was so old that they thought it was fake money at first….So, there really WAS something to the Paranormal Puck session.

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