2023 Investigations

Private Residence: Atticus House

St. Petesburg, FL — November 28, 2023

Once Again, there are no end to the surprises found within the boundaries of Roser Park.  This was yet another delightful structure found near the cemetery. The building goes back to the early 1900s and has a quaint history as being a mother-in-law apartment for a doctor and his family.

2023 World’s Largest Ghost Hunt

St. Petersburg Museum of History

St. Petersburg, FL — September 30, 2023

Hammock House

St Petersburg, FL — May 20, 2023

This is a house near the Ra House from 2022 that also has activity. The theremin went off four times by itself for no apparent reason other than a spectral presence, perhaps.

May Stringer House

Brooksville, FL — March 18, 2023

Check out the SPIRITS’ fourth trip to the famed and haunted May Stringer House. Mysterious knocks and disgruntled entities greeted the team.

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