Table Tipping

Experience Physical Mediumship with the Pendulum and Table Tipping
Saturday, February 15 | 6 – 8 p.m.
ArtLofts | 10 5th St. N., St. Petersburg
Discover the intriguing world of physical mediumship in this unique, hands-on workshop. The
evening begins with an exploration of the pendulum—a simple yet powerful tool that has long
fascinated those interested in divination and intuitive practices.
Part 1: Working with the Pendulum
Learn about the history and practical uses of the pendulum. Is it guided by supernatural forces, or
is it an intuitive tool channeling unconscious responses? This question has sparked debate for
years. During this segment, each participant will select a pendulum to use during class and take
home afterward. You are also welcome to bring your own pendulum if you prefer.
Part 2: Table Tipping with Nancy
Next, join SPIRITS sensitive, Nancy, as she leads a session on table tipping. This fascinating
form of physical mediumship, popular in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, offers a rare
opportunity to experience psychic phenomena firsthand. Few people today have witnessed or
practiced table tipping, which involves receiving messages from spirits through the movement of
a table.
Participants will gather around a table, lightly resting their fingertips on the surface. Through
spiritual connection, the table may rotate or tilt, providing “yes” or “no” answers to specific
questions. While waiting for their turn, attendees will use their pendulums to connect, interpret
responses, and gain insight into the messages being conveyed.
Come with an open mind and a sense of curiosity for an evening of connection, learning, and
spiritual exploration!
$25 pp. Limited seats so sign up today!